International Financial Management provides an effective and detailed presentation of important concepts and practical application in today’s global business environment, which includes:
- Foreign Exchange Market
- International Financial System
- Eurocurrency Market
- Currency Futures & Options
- Swaps
- Country Risk Analysis
- Capital Budgeting
The key highlight of this book is that it uses several examples (both numerical & theoretical) to highlight the applications of various dimensions of international finance.
This book aims to fulfil the requirement of students of PGDM, MBA, M.Com., Master of Economics, Master of Finance & Control (MFC), MIB, other Post Graduate Diploma in Risk Management & other post-graduate specialized disciplines.
The Present Publication is the 4th Edition, authored by Prof. Madhu Vij. The book has been organized around five major areas, namely:
- [International Financial Environment] emphasizing its institutional set-up while discussing why is it important to study international finance. This area is further subdivided into four chapters, namely:
- Overview of the International Financial Management
- History of International Monetary System; Emphasis on Bretton Woods System
- International Financial Institutions with a particular focus on the World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), and European Monetary System
- Balance of Payment Concepts and Accounting
- [The Foreign Exchange Markets]
- Derivatives
- Foreign Currency Futures and Options Contracts that are traded on Stock Exchanges
- Forex Markets with an emphasis on Fundamentals of Forex Trading, Overview of Operations of the Spot and Foreign Exchange Markets, How is Foreign Exchange Quoted and Traded Worldwide
- [Managing Foreign Exchange Exposure]
- Management of Foreign Exchange Risk with a discussion on kinds of exposure MNCs face
- Translation Exposure or Accounting Exposure, which discusses the various methods for translating financial statements
- Management of Transaction Exposure that arises from contractual obligations denominated in a foreign currency
- Management of Economic Exposure
- [Financial Management of the Multinational Firm]
- Foreign Direct Investment
- Cost of Capital and Capital Structure of the MNC
- Application and Interpretation of MNC Capital Budgeting explaining various methods with the help of numerical examples and case studies
- Multinational Cash Management
- Identifies and Analyses the Various Dimensions of Country Risk Analysis
- Eurocurrency and Eurobond Market
- [Managing Foreign Operations]
- Interest Rate and Currency Swaps explaining how they can be used to reduce financing costs and risks
- Global Depository Receipts and American Depository Receipts.
Details :
- Publisher: Taxmann
- Author : Madhu Vij
- Edition : 4th Edition 2021
- ISBN-13 : 9789392211805
- ISBN-10 : 9789392211805
- Language : English
- Binding : Paperback
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