Highlights of the Book
- The aim of the book is to help and enable the readers in understanding the intricate problems relating to Income Tax and GST.
- A unique feature is that each Chapter contains summarised provisions in the beginning, to give a bird’s eye view of the subject and to quickly recapitulate the important points.
- A novel feature of this book is that it contains more than 1000 Multiple Choice Questions, 300 True or False Questions, 200 Fill in the Blanks and 500 Problems & Solutions, which will help students to recapitulate the concepts of direct and indirect taxes.
- Even the last minute changes in the law have been incorporated in the book and it is, therefore, the latest and most upto date book for the Assessment Year 2022-2023. The amendments made by the Finance Act, 2021 have been incorporated at appropriate places in the book.
- The Practical Problems include selected questions from the examinations of various Universities and Professional Institutes.
- For the benefit of the readers, the solutions to the problems have been explained in a systematic and lucid manner which will facilitate the students to easily comprehend the complex direct and indirect taxes.
- The book is useful for the students appearing in CA Inter-IPCC, CS Exec., CMA Inter and CFA examinations. It will also be useful for graduate/ post graduate students of various Universities and Management Institutes as well as the Departmental examinations of the Income-Tax Department.
- It contains Problems & Solutions to:
—— Systematic Approach to Taxation (For CA Inter-IPCC)
——-Systematic Approach to Tax Laws & Practice (For CS Exec.)
——-Systematic Approach to Direct Taxation (For CMA Inter)
Details :
- Publisher : Commercial Law Publishers (India) Pvt. Ltd.
- Author : Girish Ahuja & Ravi Gupta
- Edition : 41st Edition 2021 (A.Y. 2022-23)
- ISBN-13 : 9789391005450
- ISBN-10 :
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